As we step into the brand new year 2017, this question surfaces yet again on what we would do in this new year so that this year is our best ever yet. This is again the time to make new resolutions, new promises not only to ourselves but also to others and to make new commitments on becoming better individuals. For quite a few of us, we may be proud to say that we are better individuals than we were 1, 2, or say 5 years ago. But for a vast majority of us, this yet again would be another new year which would eventually lead to unfulfilled resolutions, promises, and commitments.

One thing is very clear. Nothing would change until we take active steps to change anything. After all, growth is not by accident. It has to be intentional. Getting older is not the same as getting better.
It is therefore very important to ask the big question: where do you want to go in life or let’s say in the medium term of 5 years from now. Most of us are contended to go on to various apps on social media websites which, on looking at our current picture predict how will we look like in 5 years or 10 years. There are even apps that looking at your social media profile would predict what would you do in life and what kind of relationships you would nurture. Does it sound familiar? But be honest, do these things make any sense. Would there be any app capable of taking you to your chosen destination should you choose not to act and take steps to pursue your journey towards your destination?
It is not that we do not have the right intentions. We always have. In fact, it is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The problem is that we believe we will automatically grow. Till the time we were inactive studies in schools, colleges, or professional courses, there was a monitoring process of examinations, tests, reviews, etc. Once out there is no more monitoring and we are left to grow on ourselves. That’s the reason we need to be deliberate and be intentional now. Again we may have the right intentions, but we believe that the timing is not right. I have deadlines to meet or need to get over a certain upcoming event. We always find excuses to postpone action. The longer you wait to do something you should do now, the greater the odds are that you will never do it. Another reason we don’t act is because we are afraid of failing. We are so used to our comfort zone that we don’t want to take any chances even though we are fully aware that the change will bring progress. Or we keep waiting for the perfect moment to arrive with the perfect resources lined up. There can be many other such reasons but ultimately unless we are intentional, we are not going to grow.
The key, therefore, is to act when you feel the least to do so. Develop your willpower so strong that nothing stops you from moving forward. Even if you practice small daily improvements, the motivation you will get to move forward further will be tremendous. Develop a teachable spirit to learn new things which take you in the direction of your purpose. Ask questions from people in the know to develop your understanding. Read more books to enhance your understanding in your chosen field of development. Be in the company of people who add and multiply to your growth rather than those who are subtractors and dividers. Have faith in your capabilities and talents, after all, who will see value in yourself if you don’t see value in yourself. Keep doing the right thing even if it is the hard thing.
Take responsibility of your life. If you don’t have a plan to grow yourself, nobody else will. Remember,
“Motivation Gets You Going but Discipline Keeps You Going.”