To define ‘Success’, though easy it may seem is a very difficult word to define. A clear majority of us always think of achieving success as reaching a milestone in life. Attaining a certain position in a large corporate may be a success to some while getting a professional degree certification may be a success to someone else. The expectation of a certain amount of wealth when accumulated is success to a person while attaining superstar status after a successful film may be a success to another person.

Whatever stream we may be in, there are always moments in life when we tend to believe, “Yes today, I have become successful”. Perhaps those moments are the most dangerous in our lives when we, thinking of ourselves as having arrived at our ‘destination’ stop growing further. This is what is termed as ‘Destination Disease’. We start believing that now we have arrived and that’s it, no need to do anything further.

While we are in school, college, or any other course where our progress is monitored, we continue to remain focused on growing since there are lessons, classes, examinations, etc. But once we are out on our own, unless we are deliberate and intentional, we stop growing and developing ourselves. Growth, therefore, is deliberate and intentional. It never happens by accident. Aim to grow each day.

Consider success as a journey rather than a destination. It is said, success is not free. We need to pay the price for success. And the price is not always money. It is the sacrifices that we make constantly over a period that keeps us moving forward on the path to success. I’ve said this in the past as well, sacrifice howsoever negative it may sound is a very positive word. Sacrifice is about giving away something of a lesser value to gain something of a higher value. Going from good to great is also a sacrifice because we sacrifice the ‘good’ to be ‘great’.

Keep moving to be a better person each day. Don’t get into the ‘Destination Disease’ syndrome.

Happy Growing!!!

Nalin Chandna