In today’s times, when we are all racing against the clock not only to finish our ever stressful tasks but also to spare time for getting adequate rest, do our daily activities and then for the ever addictive social media, we feel so much hard pressed to do the things which would actually bring us satisfaction, ignite our creativity further and to pursue our passion. These are the activities that probably we are most interested in and sadly, the time we have for these has constantly been on the decline.

We have all the right intentions. Being educated and working in professional environments, we know what we need to do to bring us enrichment and satisfaction. Sadly, we stop at that. Unless we take the right actions and move forward, the best of intentions are only going to bring frustration and nothing else.
There is a story of 5 frogs sitting on a log of wood near the river bank. 4 of them decide to jump into the river. The question then is, how many remain? 4 still remain since deciding is not doing. Until they jump, their intention does not bring any results.
Similarly, I urge each one of you to take concrete steps to carry out your intentions. We all have so many ideas inside us, so many good intentions inside us, but until we act on those ideas, until we work hard on them, until we make focused efforts, there is not going to be any result, any achievement or accomplishment and thus will not bring any credibility to your intentions, howsoever good they may be.
The world today is a better place as a result of people who acted on their good intentions. People thought there was no way to get a room warm other than by using a fireplace. Benjamin Franklin thought there was a better way and invented what we call the stove. People thought there was no way to get anywhere fast on land except by using horses. James Watt thought there had to be a better way and invented the steam engine. People thought there was no way to talk miles away from them. Alexander Graham Bell thought there had to be a better way and invented the telephone. People thought there was no way for people to fly under power. The Wright Brothers thought there had to be a better way and invented the first powered, motorized airplane.
You all have ideas in you. Let those ideas come out, do something you’ve always wanted to do. You may feel you are not ready with the full knowledge to start or you may be hesitant due to fear of failure. Just take the first step and as they say, jump and build your wings on the way down. After all, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction becomes the biggest step in your life. So take this step today.
The problem with people is that they want to be judged by their intentions and not by their actions. Every moment you stay in dreamland is a moment you lose in working for that dream. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. We get only one shot at life, and whatever we fail to do will be left undone. So take the step you’ve been intending to take for long. Do what you are passionate for.
There will be no better day to start than today. Good luck, and by the way luck also favors those who act.
Happy Reading