The word motivation has motion in it. What this means is that the best motivation happens when there is motion, when there is action, when we act and start achieving results. Action causes momentum which in effect brings tremendous motivation in us to keep on acting further and achieving results. That’s the Law of Big MO.

However, many of us with a perfectionist mindset postpone actions waiting for the perfect conditions, perfect moment and perfect resources to line up before we start acting. Then we complain of a lack of motivation. Since we’ve already created so much stress and pressure by delaying action, the stress and pressure further compounds, and motivation and inspiration are no way to be found. This eventually results in a vicious cycle of quality compromise, missed deadlines, lost business, wrath of stakeholders, low motivation & inspiration levels and eventually leading to more stress and pressure in our lives.
What we need to understand is that life is not perfect. In fact, life was never meant to be perfect. If it was, then there wouldn’t have been any agony, unhappiness, disappointments in life. What we, therefore, need to come to terms with is that imperfections of life is a fact, let’s recognize and accept this fact and be flexible in our approach when we encounter imperfections.
I am in no way saying that if life is imperfect then why to plan for the future. In fact, because of life’s imperfections, planning assumes all the more importance. Planning helps you to better encounter the imperfections of life. It helps you to be flexible in your approach. It enables you to control your stress levels. Plan and then start acting on your plan. Look at your goals and keep on inching daily towards them. Don’t wait to start until the perfect moment arrives. The perfect moment may or may not arrive.
In many situations, since we want everything to be perfect, we behave inappropriately with people blaming them for delays and quality compromises. Be considerate and unless they are actually at fault, don’t make them responsible for situations which sometimes you may be the culprit of creating. Your delays or your decisions may have created situations which may have resulted in those quality compromises and delays in deliverables. Self-introspection is very important. Do not make situations mean more than relationships.
The key is to be motivated and the key lies within you. Don’t be a perfectionist. Act now. In fact, the momentum you derive from the achievement of results will go a long way in making your life perfect, to the extent it can be.
Your partner in personal growth – Nalin Chandna