Each day is a new day which brings us new opportunities, new chances, new victories, and new joys of life. Each day also brings with it new challenges, new obstacles, and new problems. Life is always a mixed bag and it does not differentiate between people when it comes to life’s offerings.

The nature of opportunities or obstacles may be different for each of us but there is a mixed bag for everybody, rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy, urban or rural and irrespective of the geographies that we live in.

Though all of us wish for all the good things to happen always, we all know that is purely wishful thinking. Life has to be lived each day pragmatically. The fact is there will always be obstacles, detours, diversions that would force us to change the course of our actions and that’s how life is supposed to be. Life was never meant to be easy.

The big idea, therefore, is to embrace each day as it is. Rather than cribbing what is wrong and what is not working, let’s first and foremost be conscious of the fact that there is no point cribbing about things we have no control on. Take a step back and think about the problems that are worrying you and assess if they are really worth spoiling your entire day because of it. Is it really worth being angry with people close to you over something which neither you nor your loved ones have any control on. What you can really control is your attitude, your reaction, and your actions to address the situation at hand.

Therefore, take a deep breath, think sensibly, and take a course of action best suited to address the problem at hand. Losing your temper over daily situations could only aggravate the situation and strengthen your habit of losing temper easily. Our habits if good can make us and develop us for good and bad habits can really break us. Sometimes, the habits develop so subtly that we don’t even realize and we are enslaved by them.

There are people who are so stressed with routine life situations that they forget living life in the present. Either they are thinking about the good times of the past or the upcoming weekend or the planned vacation. There is perfectly no problem anticipating the good times or reliving the pleasant memories but does it have to be with a painful present. Rather than waiting for the weekend or the vacation lets start living today. Let’s plan our days better, plan our deliverables and meetings better so we are less stressed and more lively and prepared to live life to the fullest.

Let us be happy that we are blessed to have awakened to another day full of possibilities, another day to perform to our best of abilities, another day to excel in our chosen profession, another day to learn something new, another day to help someone who needs it, another day to develop ourselves, another day to express our love and gratitude to our loved ones, another day to thank god and reinforce our faith. Rather than waiting the whole week and then saying, “Thank God, It’s Friday”, let us say everyday, “Thank God, It’s Today.”