Our smile is an expression of our emotions. It is a universal human expression which generally reflects the feelings of joy, satisfaction, and happiness. A smile is considered to be contagious and it is very difficult for another person to continue frowning and remain angry when they see you smile. A smile also makes you look attractive, competent, and confident and is a big enabler to self-esteem enhancement.

There have been numerous research studies to assess the power of a smile and there have been interesting results. Besides, contributing to a healthier lifestyle by reducing stress, blood pressure, and anxiety, some researchers have also found that the span of a smile also determines the longevity amongst people. This in a way reinforces the fact that people who smile often do enjoy a healthier lifestyle and thereby live a longer and happier life.

Children on an average smile about 400 times a day compared to adults who smile less than 10% of children. This is the reason we do feel much happier in the company of children. Another research also states that the level of simulation a smile brings to the human mind is equivalent to the simulation that 16 bars of chocolate can bring.

As human beings, the way we were meant to be was to interact with other human beings. However, most of our interactions these days with others are through our laptops, tablets, or smartphones rather than interacting with them directly. As such our smiles are also restricted to the various emoticons that the social media platforms have provided us. People these days even though connected with their friends and relatives the world over are lonelier than ever. The number of people going through depression and anxiety is the maximum ever recorded. Even the opportunities we get of direct interaction with others just slip away from our hands.

Traveling up and down in packed elevators whether it be our residential apartments or office buildings, we are either staring at the floor numbers moving up or down or are busy checking our smartphones for the latest updates happening in our friends’ lives. Make it a point, the next time you are in the elevator, rather than checking your smartphone, just greet and smile at the other persons in the elevator and you will feel an inner sense of happiness.

The way one small candle can light up a dark room, the same way one smiling person can reduce the stress in a roomful of tense, stressed-out people. The powers that a smile can bring is tremendous whether it be your personal lives or professional lives. An angry boss may calm down seeing your magical smile and a tense environment may suddenly be easy. Similarly, the bonding in your personal relationships may strengthen further with the magical powers of your smile be it your marriage, your friendship, or other social relationships.

Make it a point, be conscious of your emotions, and try smiling more. I would leave you with the powerful words by Tom Wilson:

“A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.”

Happy reading!!!